Opening Masses: Bishop Jean Louis Plouffe will celebrate all weekend Masses. Refreshments and treats following Mass, in the parish hall.
The date for this year’s tournament is Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 3:00 pm at the SSM Michigan Country Club. Please set that date aside on your calendar. The fee for golf and dinner is $30.00 US and dinner only will be $15.00 US. This year’s tournament is one of the
50 th anniversary events and so we would like to see a really good turnout for golf and dinner. It has been a really fun event and this year should be no exception.
There is a sign-up sheet in the vestibule of the church. Please sign up early and indicate your choice for dinner (steak, fish or chicken). We will need the entry fee paid in the first week of September (in US$ please).
Marcel Valade has graciously agreed to be responsible for obtaining prizes so if you can help him in any way, please do so. His phone number is 705-949-0909. If there are any other questions, please call Marv Keenan at 705-949-4514. Above all, this is a FUN event, so please participate and help build community in our parish.